
目前顯示的是 4月, 2019的文章


东莞市鸿福源包装设计印刷有限公司 专业设计印刷红酒标签、食品标签、日化标签等不干胶标签;专业生产滴胶贴、滴胶冰箱贴、磁贴 . 公司拥有两台先进德系 PS 版六色轮转印刷机、三台高速双座烫金模切机、两台自动丝印 UV 机、一台东远半自动丝印机、自动点胶机等先进的设备和完善的管理体系,具有多年从业经验的高素质的专业技术队伍,配合客户设计需求,提供完整的解决方案。 Jefferson.Lee Email:sales1@hfylabels.com Tel:008613332916045 Skype:008613790252845 Whatsapp:008613060926048 https://hfylabels.en.alibaba.com Website:www.hfylabels.com Add: 广东省东莞市长安镇上沙社区中南南路 2 号厂房 B 栋 6 楼 莺啼序 . 鸿福源 / 李文冠 终年酒杯不满,记人间寂寞。 写一笔、浓淡相宜,是千帆数云鹤。 低皓首、青丝几缕,红颜笑我梳高阁。 画平生意气,东西往来轮廓。 千两黄金,难敌红白,忘人间清浊。 点滴入、自在衷肠,春秋沉浮帷幄。 念周郎、小乔在侧,羽扇后、几杯能酌。 纸上兵,卸甲归田,瓶间停泊。 青春不老,岁月如初,得失寸心度。 谢骐骥、前程自若,只凭旧事,暗渡陈仓,往来山壑。 青梅煮酒,红颜读史,丹枫一叶痴情诉,盼相逢、眼角眉间若。 南来北往,英雄豪杰题图,能不惺惺相握。 酒逢知己,画喜投机,论八荒阡陌。 果远矣、无需踌躇。只在瓶间,指点江山,激扬燕雀。 人生苦短,拿纤纤笔,轻描淡写眉眼里,借兰心、高下经雕琢。 潮来潮往东西,今古零星,美人约绰。

Wine label www.hfylabels.com

Dongguan Hongfuyuan Packaging Design and Printing products Co., Ltd. is specialized in designing and printing red wine labels, food labels, daily chemical labels and other self-adhesive labels and professional in the production of Epoxy stickers, Epoxy refrigerator stickers, magnetic stickers. Our company has two advanced German PS version six-color rotary printing machine, three high-speed two-seat hot stamping die cutting machine, two automatic screen printing UV machine, a Dongyuan semi-automatic screen printing machine, automatic dispenser and other advanced equipment. Perfect management system, high-quality professional technical team with many years of experience could provide complete solutions in line with customer design needs. Dongguan Hongfuyuan Packaging Design And Printing Products Co., Ltd. Jefferson.Lee Email:sales1@hfylabels.com Tel:008613332916045 Skype:008613790252845 Whatsapp:008613060926048 https://hfylabels.en.alibaba.com Website:www.hfylabels.com Add:6

Custom adhesive waterproof embossed printed paper wine label for wine bo...

Dongguan Hongfuyuan Packaging Design and Printing products Co., Ltd. is specialized in designing and printing red wine labels, food labels, daily chemical labels and other self-adhesive labels and professional in the production of Epoxy stickers, Epoxy refrigerator stickers, magnetic stickers. Our company has two advanced German PS version six-color rotary printing machine, three high-speed two-seat hot stamping die cutting machine, two automatic screen printing UV machine, a Dongyuan semi-automatic screen printing machine, automatic dispenser and other advanced equipment. Perfect management system, high-quality professional technical team with many years of experience could provide complete solutions in line with customer design needs. Dongguan Hongfuyuan Packaging Design And Printing Products Co., Ltd. Jefferson.Lee Email:sales1@hfylabels.com Tel:008613332916045 Skype:008613790252845 Whatsapp:008613060926048 https://hfylabels.en.alibaba.com Website:www.hfylabels.com Add: