
目前顯示的是 2019的文章

wine label supplier,www.hfylabels.com


wine label supplier www.hfylabels.com


wine label supplier,www.hfylabels.com


wine label supplier specialized in wine label designing and printing.

 酒标/李文冠   www.hfylabels.com 爱字难开口,真心易独身。 瓶装多脆弱,纸贴表清醇。 片片红尘洗,张张白发亲。 周郎才寂寞,美酒又标新。 

Thermal paper supplier,热敏纸供应商,http://www.gdjcyw.ltd


Fragile label supplier, http://www.gdjcyw.ltd/


label supplier,http://www.gdjcyw.ltd/


Custom waterproof embossed printed paper wine label designer and supplie...


Custom waterproof embossed printed paper wine label designer and supplier


Youtube,Google content marketing,natural ranking;SEO,SEM expert,on-line ...

Push your company to the top 20 of Google and YouTube homepages,then you pay only 300USD. Your esteemed company provides small or big videos, I create articles or poems(Chinese ancient metrical poetry), according to the keywords provided by your esteemed company, I am responsible for pushing the contents of text and video containing the links of your company and your products to the top 20 of the homepages of Google and YouTube after you searched with the keywords provided by your company. No charge for under the top 20. I charge 300USD for each video pushed onto the top 20 of the homepage of youtube and google. Content marketing and natural ranking,never fade or decline regarding the ranking.   把贵司推到谷歌和 YouTube 首页的前二十名才收费 贵司提供小视频,我创作文章或者诗词,根据贵司提供的关键词,将包含贵司和贵司产品链接的文字和视频推到贵司提供的关键词谷歌和 YouTube 搜索的首页前 20 名 不上前二十名不收费 每推一个视频上谷歌和 YouTube 关键词搜索前二十名收费 300 美金 内容营销,自然排名,永不退色,永不掉名次。 Maker and poet:Jefferson.Lee Tel:008613060926048 Whatsapp: 008613060926048 Wechat: 008613060926048 Email:wep

For top 20 on Youtube and Google,find me,SEO and SEM pioneer poet.


Fabricante,proveedor de vino español,西班牙葡萄酒、红酒酿酒师和供应商;Spanish wine maker...


Wine,Spanish wine,red wine,white wine maker and supplier


fournisseur d'étiquettes de bouteilles de vin,wine bottle label supplier...


Vino italiano, fornitore di etichette adesive per bottiglie di carta per...


Vino italiano, fornitore di etichette adesive per bottiglie di carta per...


Vin français;étiquette personnalisée, étiquette d'impression personnalis...


Vin français;étiquette personnalisée, étiquette d'impression personnalis...

Xiaozhongshan: vin français / Li Wenguan Rêver de milliers de montagnes et d’eaux plus basses. Le vert et le rouge, épais et simples appellent, France. Avec du talent, le flirt n’est pas censé avoir la gueule de bois: le temps presse et celui qui triomphe Un long adieu à la beauté. La vie est une chanson composée, quand reviendrons-nous? Les fleurs rouges vignes, blanches et violettes volent Ah, Gaul, un toast au rêve. https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Custom-adhesive-printed-paper-wine-label_62096664597.html?spm=a271v.8028081.0.0.6fdc3e5f8nUDGB http://www.hfylabels.com/

水调歌头.酒标 Shui Diao Ge Tou.Wine Label

https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Custom-Print-Embossed-Brand-Logo-Metal_62054901936.html?spm=a2700.7724838.2017115.27.5ee82b43FihgFs&s=p hfylabels.en.alibaba.com. Shui Diao Ge Tou. Wine label / Li Wenguan With singing and dancing the sleeves sparkle the eyes, few people have ever tasted the beautiful wines. Sure enough, the bottle is bottoms-up, and the gentleman can dream his dream. And the joy is the talented is composing his works in paper. The world is popular of his story. A piece of paper draws the groups of heroes. I laughed and danced with my pen and painting, and mobile people are moved by reading poetry. Lower the noble, brighten the reason and wake up this life. Down to earth,the smart people are clear at any moment? Success or failure calmly attribute to the fraud,importance or ignorance is finally getting drunk. Only to evaluate the wine label. The story begins from the beginning again, the deep lane is surprising with the apricot blossoming. 水调歌头 . 酒标

fournisseur d'étiquettes de bouteilles de vin,wine bottle label supplier...

Huit sons de Ganzhou. Vin français / Li Wenguan Il semble que le son de l’automne ait passé la porte de la garde du tigre et du loup. Le cheval de guerre hurle sur la bouteille de vin. Faites le rouge et le blanc globalement, et les héros de l'ancien et du moderne, se témoignent joyeusement. Cette affaire n’a rien à voir avec l’argent, mais il suffit de parler du destin devant les yeux. Cependant, il y a des feuilles de papier, nouvelles et anciennes étant légèrement remplies. Pourquoi ne pas servir à inviter les gens à lever les tasses, à voir le merveilleux vin qui repose la beauté. On pense que le monde est vide mais la feuille d’érable rouge flotte à l’extérieur de la cité interdite dans le fossé. Jouant de la prune verte, son garçon monte sur un cheval en bambou. Quelques années seulement de sa vie ont disparu avec le vent pendant son sourire. Quand est-ce que c'est encore, brise de printemps et l'armure en fleur, avant Napoléon. Eight sounds of Ganzhou. Fre



Wine label supplier:www.hfylabels.com


Wine label:www.hfylabels.com/How to Read a Wine Label Whitney A


Wine label:www.hfylabels.com/How to Read a Wine Label Whitney A



东莞市鸿福源包装设计印刷有限公司 专业设计印刷红酒标签、食品标签、日化标签等不干胶标签;专业生产滴胶贴、滴胶冰箱贴、磁贴 . 公司拥有两台先进德系 PS 版六色轮转印刷机、三台高速双座烫金模切机、两台自动丝印 UV 机、一台东远半自动丝印机、自动点胶机等先进的设备和完善的管理体系,具有多年从业经验的高素质的专业技术队伍,配合客户设计需求,提供完整的解决方案。 Jefferson.Lee Email:sales1@hfylabels.com Tel:008613332916045 Skype:008613790252845 Whatsapp:008613060926048 https://hfylabels.en.alibaba.com Website:www.hfylabels.com Add: 广东省东莞市长安镇上沙社区中南南路 2 号厂房 B 栋 6 楼 莺啼序 . 鸿福源 / 李文冠 终年酒杯不满,记人间寂寞。 写一笔、浓淡相宜,是千帆数云鹤。 低皓首、青丝几缕,红颜笑我梳高阁。 画平生意气,东西往来轮廓。 千两黄金,难敌红白,忘人间清浊。 点滴入、自在衷肠,春秋沉浮帷幄。 念周郎、小乔在侧,羽扇后、几杯能酌。 纸上兵,卸甲归田,瓶间停泊。 青春不老,岁月如初,得失寸心度。 谢骐骥、前程自若,只凭旧事,暗渡陈仓,往来山壑。 青梅煮酒,红颜读史,丹枫一叶痴情诉,盼相逢、眼角眉间若。 南来北往,英雄豪杰题图,能不惺惺相握。 酒逢知己,画喜投机,论八荒阡陌。 果远矣、无需踌躇。只在瓶间,指点江山,激扬燕雀。 人生苦短,拿纤纤笔,轻描淡写眉眼里,借兰心、高下经雕琢。 潮来潮往东西,今古零星,美人约绰。

Wine label www.hfylabels.com

Dongguan Hongfuyuan Packaging Design and Printing products Co., Ltd. is specialized in designing and printing red wine labels, food labels, daily chemical labels and other self-adhesive labels and professional in the production of Epoxy stickers, Epoxy refrigerator stickers, magnetic stickers. Our company has two advanced German PS version six-color rotary printing machine, three high-speed two-seat hot stamping die cutting machine, two automatic screen printing UV machine, a Dongyuan semi-automatic screen printing machine, automatic dispenser and other advanced equipment. Perfect management system, high-quality professional technical team with many years of experience could provide complete solutions in line with customer design needs. Dongguan Hongfuyuan Packaging Design And Printing Products Co., Ltd. Jefferson.Lee Email:sales1@hfylabels.com Tel:008613332916045 Skype:008613790252845 Whatsapp:008613060926048 https://hfylabels.en.alibaba.com Website:www.hfylabels.com Add:6

Custom adhesive waterproof embossed printed paper wine label for wine bo...

Dongguan Hongfuyuan Packaging Design and Printing products Co., Ltd. is specialized in designing and printing red wine labels, food labels, daily chemical labels and other self-adhesive labels and professional in the production of Epoxy stickers, Epoxy refrigerator stickers, magnetic stickers. Our company has two advanced German PS version six-color rotary printing machine, three high-speed two-seat hot stamping die cutting machine, two automatic screen printing UV machine, a Dongyuan semi-automatic screen printing machine, automatic dispenser and other advanced equipment. Perfect management system, high-quality professional technical team with many years of experience could provide complete solutions in line with customer design needs. Dongguan Hongfuyuan Packaging Design And Printing Products Co., Ltd. Jefferson.Lee Email:sales1@hfylabels.com Tel:008613332916045 Skype:008613790252845 Whatsapp:008613060926048 https://hfylabels.en.alibaba.com Website:www.hfylabels.com Add:

莺啼序 梦中的额吉


法拉利308 GTS QV 1985版, 古董车,古典车,现在出售,可供收藏,投资,升值


Ferrari 308 GTS QV 1985, oldtimer, vintage car for sales, collection and...

Ferrari 308 GTS QV 1985, oldtimer, vintage car for sales, collection and investment

Chinese Lunar spring festival eve.

Yingtixu. Only by a glance of the country/莺啼序. 江山只凭一览/李文冠

Yingtixu. Only by a glance of the country/Li Wenguan Only by a glance of the country,the boys are burning their blood. Therefore, the old country is far away, and there are many things, while the moon lighting the dynasty for thousands of years. Written in the history, nothing more than elite, hides the iron sword in the map for the Qin pivotting in the opposite theories of vertical and horizontal alliance. The high goose in the long sky is known is flying  from between the south and the north in the wind and snow. This trip to the society,like the glaciers and iron horses.of which the left life is heroic. While I am thinking,beautiful dreams come, which give sachet and beauty in the clouds. But the dawn is coming, the winter is coming from the north, watching the world, the north wind is still strong. Celebrating the new spring,plum blossoms for times, heavy door has ice stuck. We witness the sunset and wild grass,time bring the great change to the world, why don’t you ask


朝中措·沉浮/李文冠 兴亡屡见不平时。对错有谁知。 天问曾经屈子,沉浮浪得心痴。 江河九曲,人潮高下,道义如斯。 推却镜前白发,风流欲弄春池。

Jaguar E-Type 3.8 Roadster,old timer,vintage car,car selling,investment,...

洞仙歌·捷豹 E-Type 3.8 Roadster/ 李文冠 英伦骨骼,果春秋骚客。一骑红尘裹风色。 画天边、日落才出江湖,三岛月,何处无人识得。 路崎岖超越,捷豹从来,休怪乡间美人怵。 再见几多年、老矣芳龄,青骢总、不输时刻。 向君子、年华似花般,怎由那、凡夫使钱凭轼。 Cave Immortal- Jaguar E-Type 3.8 Roadster / Li Wenguan British essences forge absolutely the poet in ages. A significant character rides the wind in the dust. Painting the moon on the 3 islands at the horizon which rises after the sun set, whom nobody doesn't know. On the rugged road, Jaguar has never been supposed to let the beauty scared in the countryside. Goodbye for several years, the beautiful is aged, therefore it will never lose in one minute. The roadster retains the immortal young age like the flower blossoming for ever,how could it be possible that the vulgar drives it German-located Vintage serie(1) Jaguar E-Type 3.8 Roadster(for sale) Preis: 160.000 € - 184.000 $ Einer der letzt gebauten 3.8 Liter mit neuerem Getriebe längere Hinterachse und Sitze verstellbar,neu überarbeitete Innenausstattung,neues Verdeck,sehr schöne edle

Koenigsegg Regera,Koenigsegg regera model cars.

For Koenigsegg cars and model cars, refer to Jeff if need some consultancy service. wepaira@gmail.com Whatsapp: 008613060926048 For Koenigsegg Regera(献给科尼赛克Regera) snow Melted Steel in the blue sky Immediately Flashy dream Broke Angel's sunshine Flows with drops into Wind wings Expand soaring Can not wake up The glory The will of the monarch Hold the castle Frozen water Swing in the Mecha It's ice Stimulated the desires of the mountains Within moments Leap the sky And the ocean Shiver in the good wine The early awakened sun Lone believer Witnessed tomorrow The narrowness and length of history Go, all the way,one rugged snake Embrace the music arc Lightning singing Hit the spirit of hypoxia Confusion, encountered in The midnight moonlight Gentle claws Chop out the luxury inside the clothing Put on a flowing armor Follow the way in the reincarnation To the furthest end Loyal to That group

Super car,hyper car,Koenigsegg,Regera,scale model cars,model cars.

For Koenigsegg cars and model cars, refer to Jeff if need some consultancy service. wepaira@gmail.com Whatsapp: 008613060926048 For Koenigsegg Regera(献给科尼赛克Regera) snow Melted Steel in the blue sky Immediately Flashy dream Broke Angel's sunshine Flows with drops into Wind wings Expand soaring Can not wake up The glory The will of the monarch Hold the castle Frozen water Swing in the Mecha It's ice Stimulated the desires of the mountains Within moments Leap the sky And the ocean Shiver in the good wine The early awakened sun Lone believer Witnessed tomorrow The narrowness and length of history Go, all the way,one rugged snake Embrace the music arc Lightning singing Hit the spirit of hypoxia Confusion, encountered in The midnight moonlight Gentle claws Chop out the luxury inside the clothing Put on a flowing armor Follow the way in the reincarnation To the furthest end Loyal to That group

Yacht replica,model yacht,Riva replica,Riva yacht,Luxury model yacht,mod...

水调歌头.丽娃/李文冠 倾国此厢出。 故国缺英雄? 复兴天下归化,何喜得蛟龙。 此去西方安乐。 也是闲云野鹤。 曾立德言功? 万里返东土,游艇丽娃红。 怎么说,难以绘,耀人工。 弄潮历史,方寸谈气宇长风。 航道追汪洋远。 爱意称胸襟满。 此物起惊鸿。 怎料登徒子,睁眼叹雷同。 注:RIVA(丽娃)是世界上首屈一指的顶级豪华游艇品牌,其历史始于1842年,拥有172年产品历史,是意大利顶级奢侈游艇,也是世界游艇中历史最悠久,最传奇,最昂贵的品牌之一,发源地是美丽的意大利科摩湖畔。 Shuidiaogetou. Riva / Li Wenguan Extreme beauty comes here. Why is the country lack of a hero? Rejuvenation has the world  adopted, what a surprise to have a dragon. Going to the West paradise. It is just a wild crane. Any integrety, speeches and achievement forged? By returning to the oriental world from thousands of miles far,Riva is focused and famed How to say, it is difficult to draw, just showing the craftmanship. Ride on the tide of history, the squared inch talks about the the generousity and elegance Its track is  chasing the far sea and ocean. Love is full of breasts. It waves up the surprised swan. How could the playboy praise it as the replica with open eyes? Riva Rama L90 Special White Model Brand:

Riva yacht replica,model yacht,model boat,model ship.Luxury yacht,luxury...

Chaitou Feng(customed poetry name for music) Riva / Li Wenguan The world stained. Black hair minus. Leaving,staying and overturning are reflected upon the face of heaven. Blue sea stamped. Spring mountain backward. The waves and sails are dominated,chest open wide and hair on the temples stretched. Go,go,go. Starring eyes closed. The flowery shirt is gloom. Dispute is ignored and beauty is only for the current. Listen to the flower letter. Fly the falcon. What is like the pride,as Riva can do it. Question,question,question. Note: Riva, Italian luxury yacht 钗头凤·丽娃/李文冠 红尘染。青丝减。 去留翻覆苍天脸。 蓝海印。春山遁。 劈浪扬帆,敞怀分鬓。 进进进。 星眸掩。华衫暗。 是非轻看佳人暂。 听花信。逐飞隼。 何似豪情,丽娃能尽。 问问问。 注:丽娃,意大利豪华游艇 For additional interest: wepaira@gmail.com WhATSAPP:008613060926048

Luxury Yacht Riva 100 Corsaro

Luxury Yacht - Riva 100' Corsaro The majestic spearhead Impossible to ignore; so easy to desire. The very name of the 100’ Corsaro hints at a daring and powerful buccaneer, full of the pioneering promise of its predecessors, to the joy and passion of yacht owners and enthusiasts. With looks as sharp as a spearhead and with its majestic spaces and liveability, this is a new maxi flybridge as only Riva could design, combining the thrill of sporty performance with the pleasure afforded by pure luxury. It is the result of the partnership between Ferretti Group’s Strategic Product Committee, the Group’s Engineering Department, and designer Mauro Micheli, who joined Sergio Beretta to found Officina Italiana Design (the studio that designs all of the craft in the Riva fleet). The 100’ Corsaro is the successor to many legendary yachts – a perfect blend of comfort, performance, style, technology, design and safety. And that extra special touch of class, the essence of Riva. A quick glance r